Feb 6, 2015

Friday is MyDay

Im gonna try to make Friday, MyDay from now on. I'm gonna use Friday to post things that interest me, catch my eye or just feel good talking about.

So here goes, MyDay Friday take 1.

So, my son, my one and only, turned nine today. He looks like he's 12 but he's only 9, sometimes it's hard to remember that. This morning after his orthodontist appointment we went out for breakfast, he should've gone back to school however it's Friday, it's now MyDay (our day) and I wanted to spend some time with my guy, so we went for breakfast and had a good old time chin wag at Sal's, for you Winnipeggers you know what I'm talking about, for non pegger's, Sal's (Salisbury House) is the greatest breakfast place ever, a true Winnipeg tradition.

Not sure why there are Police lines, not there this morning!!
After breakfast we went skating, it is actually a part of the gym at Rock's school, so it's been a pretty decent birthday for my boy. Left him at school for the rest of the day, dropped off some solid lotion at my friends house and came home to create.

I read a few of my favourite blogs. Onegoodthingbyjillee.com is a daily read, I really like wellnessmama.com and runningwithspoons.com. Just recently, through my girl Brenda Bourns (life guru), found another great read at lovelife.typepad.com. This one is written by a friend of Brenda's named Kal Barteski a local Winnipeg artist. Love her stuff.

I also try to spend at least 10-15 minutes a day on Pinterest, checking out the trends, recipes and just plain old cool things, it isn't hard spending the time lol, but it is pretty hard stopping. I get so lost in my journey I have to set a timer or I'd spend all day. When I first learnt about Pinterest 4-5 years ago, I thought "good lord another thing to steal my time", back then you had to apply to belong, seriously, now I am addicted. I never got the Facebook addiction, I am not a great personal sharer, at least not on social media. Never thought I was "so" interesting that people needed to know how and what I was doing all the time. Same with twitter, I subscribe to a bunch of people but can't find the time or interest to read all the tweets, oops, did I say that out loud, sorry to my subscribees, not sure that is a word but it it is now.  So, I am gonna try to blog, Brenda lit a fire, I'm gonna try hard to keep it lit! Hopefully my writing gets better as we go, but hey, who knows.

So back to Pinterest, Doesn't this look good, as a Glutard (gluten intolerant) I often check Pinterest to figure out what I can make for dinner, I used to be a cookbook addict, now I save my money and check out the "source that be..."

However, tonight, no cooking for me!! Gramma and Grampa are taking the Rockstar out for his birthday, Boston Pizza here we come. They have a great gluten free pizza, yum. Friday is MyDay (except today is Rocky's day too)

Have an amazing weekend, maybe we will see you on the Red River tomorrow for the "Great Skate" lol, thats what Rocky and I are calling it. Not sure we will make it all 6.1 KM but we will give it our best shot. I want to check out the river mural by none other then Kal Barteski. Maybe we will get gramma it pick us up at the St Vital bridge, only a few blocks from home, wish us luck!

Red River trail
The loop at the St Vital bridge. We are gonna get here!!

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