Wow, sometimes I actually scare myself. I start one thing, get distracted, move to the next, get distracted, move to the next and sometimes never actually finish anything.
I'm currently working on creating a personalized etched bracelet, a leather bracelet, marketing material for my "I'm the Balm" solid lotion bars for a
local retailer. and attempting to blog at least 3-4 times a week. Hmmm, so far none have been completed. :(
The marketing stuff is almost done, the bracelet didn't work on one type of aluminium so on to the next, the leather bracelet, well I can't find the leather, however here is the blog, one down 100 to go. But...I made a list!! Yup, I have a list and I haven't even lost it yet.

On my list is; researching how to
write a better blog (one needs all the help one can get), reading up on a new way of
eating and ideas for a new tattoo, lol. Yup a bit of an eclectic list but that is me.
It's funny, I have this thing about crows and daisies. Strange combination I know but it is still fun to think about how to incorporate both, if I actually come up with an idea I'll make sure to post. I like this one but it isn't quite me. TANNIS@IMTHEBALM.COM talking both the tattoo now, come on keep up.

The bracelets have now been re cut, different type of aluminium, this one isn't anodized, seems I can't etch on anodized aluminium. Who knew, well someone probably did, just not me. I'm soon to look for my white leather. I have so much stuff, sometimes it's hard to find what I'm looking for, but eventually I'll find it, ok maybe not. Organization isn't really my forte.
The marketing and packaging material is driving me nuts. It is so close but every time I think I design something I like, I walk away, and when I go back and I'm not sure. I had some awesome designs a while ago, I need to find the files and translate into "mac" lol. Or just remake it. It is a bit of an homage to my Swedish heritage. The new label will labels Ätbara though for edible, lol the Ät mig which actually means "eat me", oops. Lol, it could lead to interesting conversations though.

Well, I better be getting on to that list, if I could only find it, aaaa, gotcha. It's here somewhere. Lol, below is my first attempt at the bracelet. I'll show you the finished one next post. Did you know that colibri is Portuguese for humming bird??

Here's a little homage to my brother who always says, "it's your day, make it a great one"
Location:Covet Designs